07 Apr Additional accommodation approved for 3 Mayo secondary schools
Fine Gael TD for Mayo, Alan Dillon, has welcomed the approval of funding for St. Tiernan’s in Crossmolna, Moyne College in Ballina and Scoil Mhuire agus Padraig in Swinford. Works will comprise of the following for each secondary school:
• St. Tiernan’s Crossmolina; 6 x general classrooms, a DCG/Tech Graphic room, Art room, Science lab, 2 x SEN Classroom, Textile room, Music room, Prep room and a WC for assisted users.
• Scoil Mhuire agus Padraig, Swinford; 2 x SEN Classroom and 1 x WC for assisted users
• Moyne College, Ballina; 2 x SEN Classroom
Deputy Dillon said; “It will be of enormous benefit to the students attending each of these schools. While increasing overall capacity for St. Tiernan’s in Crossmolina, it is also very welcome news that additional special education infrastructure will be provided at secondary level schools in Ballina and Swinford This brings the total of six school in Mayo to receive additional accommodation this year. Last month, additional accommodation in is hugely significant the form of new Classrooms and Special Education Needs classroom was approved for St Brendan’s College Belmullet, Scoil Iosa Ballyhaunis and Derrywash NS outside Castlebar.”