23 Feb Irish Rail on track to submit planning application for Kilnageer overbridge
– Irish Rail CEO confirms planning application for Kilnageer overbridge on-track for submission;
– Consent required from local landowners in order to proceed with applications and engagement underway;
– Irish Rail aiming to submit planning application by the end of March 2021, subject to consent letters from landowners.
Fine Gael TD for Mayo, Alan Dillon, has received confirmation from Irish Rail that they are on-track to submit a planning application to Mayo County Council for the construction of a overbridge at Kilnageer rail crossing (XM 240) by the end of March 2021. As per planning regulations, consent is required from the affected landowners in order to submit a planning application. Irish Rail are currently engaged with the affected landowners to seek consent letters.
Deputy Dillon said: “I questioned the Irish Rail CEO, Jim Meade, last week during the Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications regarding Kilnageer railway crossing. At present, it is well known that the manual gate system is of significant concern to local residents who have been calling for an automated level crossing to be put in place. The Irish Rail CEO has since confirmed to me that they hope to apply for planning permission for an overbridge by late March 2021. The construction of an overbridge will avoid any delays to traffic flow versus installing a level crossing.”
Deputy Dillon added: “Part of the planning application will require letters of consent from affected landowners and engagement is currently underway to secure these consents. I would urge those involved to complete the process as quickly as possible to avoid any undue delays. I have engaged directly with residents to demonstrate to Irish Rail their health and safety concerns with the level crossing. Thankfully, we are now moving a step closer to a much safer rail network in Mayo, as well as the local communities around Kilnageer such as Belcarra and Breaffy.”