Alan Dillon

It’s time for a new voice

I’m Alan Dillon, and I’m seeking your No 1 vote in the upcoming General Election. People recognise me for my commitment and dedication in representing this county on the pitch for 15 years. Now it’s time for me to make a positive impact in national politics.

A new politics for a new Ireland

Why I want to represent you

I’m no stranger to public life on the GAA pitch for over 15 years, but off the pitch I know I can make a positive contribution to national politics that will impact the people and communities of the Mayo constituency.


Bringing pride, passion and assertiveness to the political field I will ensure issues that matter to you are progressed with conviction.


Championing business, families and youth, I’ll be a reliable and trusted public representative holding onto the Fine Gael seat in Castlebar, vacated by former Taoiseach Enda Kenny. Make no mistake, at national politics, policies that transform communities are those that are progressive and relevant to Ireland today.

Be Informed

I’d like to keep you updated on my campaign and what’s happening across all sections of society in Mayo. Simply fill out your details below.

    GDPR Disclaimer: I would like to receive updates from Alan Dillon in respect of his political work. I understand that I will receive emails from Alan and my data will not be shared with a third party.

    3 Key Pillars of My Campaign

    Mayo Matters

    My manifesto was written by my people. Since winning the opportunity to be a candidate over two years ago, I’ve been documenting the issues people care about. From this, I have developed my 3 Key Pillars of My Campaign: My Priorities for Family, Community and Economy. Bringing new politics to life with forward-thinking policies, constant grassroots engagement and problem-solving.

    01. Focus on Family

    Affordable childcare:

    Recognising and valuing hard-working one-parent and two-parent families

    Affordable housing:

    A fundamental need for all my constituents in a changing and challenging market


    Preparing our youth for the smart economy, investing in STEM subjects and prioritising research and innovation investment in Mayo


    Investing in preventative care in our primary care centres, taking pressure off Dublin Hospitals by investing in Castlebar Hospital, promoting and protecting mental health and wellbeing by resourcing a range statutory bodies

    02. Focus on Community

    Balanced regional development:

    Investing in our capital infrastructure – fibre broadband, remote working offices, rail, roads, and our airport – to attract investment, maximise tourism potential and bring Mayo people home to flourish


    Safer communities for all, with a focus on crime prevention and more frontline Gardaí


    We are a country of diversity, communities made up of diverse people, each of whom has a part of play and a value to contribute, we must engender and foster a sense of inclusivity at all levels of government and society

    03. Focus on Economy

    The age of technology:

    Embracing technology to improve lives, create jobs and responding to the disruption of digital is vital to maintain relevance and competitiveness in our labour market

    Climate action:

    Taking personal responsibility and building collective models of climate impact, providing support and incentives so that we can all make a difference


    Attracting foreign direct investment in tandem with the digitisation of our SME economy, by providing support, skills and incentives for ecommerce

    Ask Alan

    Politics is about people and listening to constituents. Please send me your comments or issues in confidence and I will respond to you.

      GDPR Disclaimer: I would like to receive updates from Alan Dillon in respect of his political work. I understand that I will receive emails from Alan and my data will not be shared with a third party.

      Connect with me on Social Media

      Tag your posts with my hashtag #VoteAlanDillon

      Championing business, families & youth

      Why Politics? Why Now?

      I’m part of a generation that has already experienced the best and worst of times. I grew up in a country powered by an extraordinary economic boom where expectations of what life could offer soared but by the time adulthood came beckoning I had to deal with the fallout from the worst financial crisis this country has experienced.


      My decision to seek election is dominated by an aspiration to ‘make a difference’ by implementing positive change within our society in our towns and villages.


      I felt there was a gap in the Mayo constituency for a young voice in Government which represents my generation and the challenges we face, for example affordability, housing, climate change, childcare, and the digital and tech era.
      My decision to seek election is dominated by an aspiration to 'make a difference' by implementing positive change within our society in our towns & villages.
      Championing business, families & youth

      Why Politics? Why Now?

      I’m part of a generation that has already experienced the best and worst of times. I grew up in a country powered by an extraordinary economic boom where expectations of what life could offer soared but by the time adulthood came beckoning I had to deal with the fallout from the worst financial crisis this country has experienced.


      My decision to seek election is dominated by an aspiration to ‘make a difference’ by implementing positive change within our society in our towns and villages.


      I felt there was a gap in the Mayo constituency for a young voice in Government which represents my generation and the challenges we face, for example affordability, housing, climate change, childcare, and the digital and tech era.
      My decision to seek election is dominated by an aspiration to 'make a difference'.
      Bringing pride, passion & assertiveness

      Representing my generation

      Running for election was not on the cards, these opportunities don’t just come around, Enda Kenny has held the seat in Castlebar for 45 years. Politics is about people but it is also about timing and opportunity. This is an opportunity I’m going to grab with both hands.


      Young people in their 20s and 30s are now the largest demographic in Ireland, ahead of the baby boomers (born 1946-1964) and are increasingly voting in larger numbers.


      I was raised to believe our opinions matter and that we should get involved in as many organisations as we feel passionate about.
      Politics is about people but it is also about timing and opportunity. This is an opportunity I’m going to grab with both hands.
      Bringing pride, passion & assertiveness

      Representing my generation

      Running for election was not on the cards, these opportunities don’t just come around, Enda Kenny has held the seat in Castlebar for 45 years. Politics is about people but it is also about timing and opportunity. This is an opportunity I’m going to grab with both hands.


      Young people in their 20s and 30s are now the largest demographic in Ireland, ahead of the baby boomers (born 1946-1964) and are increasingly voting in larger numbers.


      I was raised to believe our opinions matter and that we should get involved in as many organisations as we feel passionate about.
      Politics is about people but it is also about timing and opportunity. This is an opportunity I’m going to grab with both hands.