29 May Mayo Minister welcomes addition of 96 beds for MUH
Minister of State, Alan Dillon TD, has welcomed the news that an additional 96 acute in-patient beds will be delivered at Mayo University Hospital between 2029 and 2031.
These new beds will be delivered as part of the Acute Inpatient Hospital Bed Expansion Plan, which aims to deliver 4,367 acute hospital in-patient beds nationally by 2031.
This includes 3,352 new beds, with the location of these new beds mapped across the six regional health areas. The 3,352 new beds announced today includes 2,997 net additional beds, as well as 355 replacement beds.
Minister Dillon said: “The significant expansion of the number of additional acute in-patient beds at Mayo University Hospital is most welcome. It follows from the recent granting of planning permission at the hospital for a multi-million euro expansion of the Accident and Emergency Unit along with and a new Acute Medical Admissions Unit (AMAU) at First Floor.
Minister Dillon added: “The project will be delivered in several phases. Temporary and relocated prefabricated accommodation will be necessary during the works.
I have called previously for the need to increase our bed capacity at MUH to meet the healthcare needs of our growing and ageing population across the county. I also recognise that demand for healthcare is increasing and that we must plan appropriately for the future. The people of Mayo are deserving and in need of improved healthcare services and this significant expansion of our acute hospital beds will be reflective of that.”